Schools of Australia

Schooling in Australia includes preschool, kindergarten, elementary, high school, and college. The duration of this school in Australia is 13 years in total. Applicants for Australian Schools must obtain an Australian Student Visa and their parents if they wish to accompany an Australian Guardian visa. Schooling is compulsory for everyone up to the age of 16. Schools in Australia are generally divided into private and public. In another division, schools can be divided into day and night. Day schools in Australia do not have dormitories for students, while boarding schools in Australia provide boarding schools and other facilities for students. Regardless of the type of school, all of them must be registered with the state education department, and the government oversees all schools in terms of infrastructure and teachers. If you plan to send your child to study in Australia, contact Visa World. Our counselors will explain the conditions for studying in Australian schools.

The age of the students and the duration of each course are approximate as follows:

Preschool and Kindergarten in Australia: This course is not compulsory for students and is for students between 3 and 5 years old. Usually, the participation rate of students in this level varies, but in general, 85% of students attend the last year of preschool (the year before the start of primary school).
Elementary school in Australia: varies from 6 to 12 to 13 years in different provinces
High school in Australia: Usually between the ages of 12, 13, and 17, 18 is the age to attend high school.
Australian schools do more than just educate students. They prepare students for real-life concepts such as teaching communication skills, discipline, respect for others in society and the world. The range of courses available in the Australian education system is very wide and varied, but the most important of these courses are English, math, environment, science, art, languages ​​other than English, technology, and sports. Australia’s education system is also based on teamwork, self-expression, and individual development, which takes place outside the classroom.

In Australia, students enjoy a diverse and dynamic learning environment that will develop the skills they need in relation to the world around them.

High standards of education in Australian schools
Australian schools are among the best in the world, and the following are some of the reasons why this is so important:

Small class size (maximum 30 students in a class)
Facilities with high standards, including the availability of computers and the Internet in all schools
Incentive and extracurricular programs for students with special needs
Special programs (including university courses) for talented and elite students who are interested in continuing their studies at the university in the future.
Special individual programs for students who need more education.
Existence of quality assurance frameworks based on which students must meet the minimum standards.

Teaching methods in Australian schools
A range of teaching methods are used in Australian schools, including teacher-centered teaching, student research, group projects and their presentation, online education, and interactive classes. There are also several ways to evaluate the results of student work, including individual research projects, group projects, multimedia or oral research, the use of new technologies such as PowerPoint, or more traditional systems such as tests. Written or homework.

Graduation from Australian schools
After passing the final exams of 11th and 12th year of high school, students receive a certificate of competency. The name of this certificate varies from state to state in Australia. But regardless of the name of this certificate, this certificate is valid for entering universities and other institutions of higher education.

Australian School Tuition
The initial registration fee, which is non-refundable, is usually between $ 200 and $ 300.

Australian school fees vary widely, depending on whether they are public or private or night or day. For example, a school in Queensland, Australia, costs between $ 18,000 and $ 22,000 from the sixth to the twelfth year. If the student wants to have a boarding school, the amount of 23 to 26 thousand dollars will be added to the tuition.

Another example is a public school in Sydney, where the annual tuition for international students from the sixth to the twelfth year is between $ 12,000 and $ 15,000 without accommodation.

Australian School Facilities
Australian schools have the most up-to-date facilities. In general, schools have smart boards in classrooms, fully equipped libraries, computer labs, science labs, music studios, gyms, theaters and sports facilities. Schools strive to educate students in a comprehensive way and according to their personal talents. This means that students are encouraged to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities such as playing a musical instrument, learning a new language, joining a tech team, or playing on a soccer team over the weekend.

Accommodation for students

Accommodation for international students is usually twofold if they are not accompanied in Australia:

International students in public schools reside at home. The school can usually take steps to find a suitable family. Visa World will also select the best Guardian for your child to study in Australia, with full knowledge of the companies that provide home-stay services.
Private and independent schools usually come with boarding schools located near the school. In boarding schools, students usually live in common rooms. Students are also given full meals and have their own leisure facilities. In such schools, students are usually monitored around the clock. Boarding schools are great in terms of the variety of activities that a student can do, and we recommend this option to students. Some of the activities that a student can do in boarding schools are as follows: Sports activities such as tennis, badminton, and swimming. Artistic activities such as painting and music workshops.

Studying in Australia
Student Visa of Australia
Universities of Australia